Authentic Relating Games – October 29th (Tuesday)

$30.00 +HST

Our signature event: Authentic Relating Games is happening next on Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 from 7pm – 10pm ET. Click “Add to cart” to register.

$30 + tax for one ticket or $50 + tax for purchasing two tickets at once. (Discount is applied at checkout.)

28 in stock

Join us for an Authentic Relating Games Night!

Authentic Relating Games is an opportunity to start your year with family and friends (some familiar, some new perhaps) in our container of playful curiosity and discovery of one another’s humanity. We will be meeting in person at the Hintonburg Community Centre at 1064 Wellington Street West – in the Basement Room #1.

Learn powerful communication tools that have already transformed the lives of thousands of people who have experienced Authentic Relating Games around the world. 

At Authentic Relating Ottawa we go WAAAAAAY above and beyond the same old boring or awkward conversations and teach people the communication skills that lead to deeply fulfilling relationships in all areas of our lives. 

There is a way to build any skill, and it’s called PRACTICE. That’s where the Laboratory for Living comes in. We practice conscious communication skills that are the foundation for every relationship in life! In a playful and empowering way.

Our IN PERSON Authentic Relating Games will begin at 7:15pm (please arrive by 6:50pm to register and get settled) and will end by 10pm. We close the doors by 7:15pm in order to co-create a brave & kind space free from distraction, so please plan to arrive ahead of time.

We’ve been hosting Authentic Relating Games Nights for almost eight years and be it in person or online ONE THING IS FOR CERTAIN:

Connection happens!*

*Deeply rewarding connection.

*The kind where you feel seen and heard and deeply valued.

*The kind of connection where you don’t feel so alone in your thoughts and emotions.

*The kind where you get to be exactly as you are and no need to pretend to be something that you’re not!

*The kind of connection where anything from tears to laughter and fear to love has space to arise.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Authentic Relating Games Nights?

The short answer: empathy in action.

The long answer: Expertly facilitated highly-interactive exercises that explore new ways of communicating, perceiving, being with, and appreciating each other on a deeper (and more rewarding!) level.

By ‘games’ we mean fun, highly interactive partner and group exercises that demonstrate and explore authentic relating, getting to know yourself better while at the same time learning to see and appreciate more about everyone you connect with.

By ‘authentic’ we mean that there is no cookie-cutter mold for how you “should” be or what relating “should look like”. Everyone is a complete universe unto themselves, has a unique style, personality, and integrity that is perfectly *them*, and everyone is perfect and amazing as they are (including their belief that they aren’t.)

If you’re joining us for an in-person Authentic Relating Games we encourage you to arrive early (to find parking and get settled before we begin). We close the doors by 15 minutes past the event time and do not allow late arrivals in order to co-create a brave & kind space free from distraction, so please plan to arrive ahead of time.

If you’re joining us for an online version of Authentic Relating Games please arrive a few minutes early to ensure your tech and video setting is in working order). Again, we do not allow for late arrivals in order to co-create a brave & kind space free from distraction, so please arrive ahead of, or on time.

What can I expect?

Laughter, fun, nourishment, anxiety/excitement (while learning the difference), relaxation, sparks of connection, feeling ALIVE, insights, challenges, love, REALness, personal growth, and transformation.

Who can play?

Anyone! Whether single, dating, young, old, etc., it doesn’t matter. Anyone who feels a desire to feel closer with people, and is willing to try something new. IN FACT, the Laboratory for Living is known for our intergenerational and diverse community. (NOTE: These are NOT singles or dating events).

— ONLINE EVENTS: You must pre-register to reserve your spot and get the zoom login information.

— Please save to your contacts so that the emails come through to your inbox.

— IN-PERSON EVENTS: Pre-registration is strongly encouraged, or e-transfers/purchases at the door. We do not carry cash on hand.

Connecting Online? Read Here!

You’re coming to connect, so please have your video turned on, your audio set up, and your device well charged!

Online versions of Authentic Relating Games Night will begin at 7:00 pm sharp (please arrive a few minutes early to get settled) and will end by 9:30 pm. We lock the Zoom by 7:05 pm in order to co-create a brave & kind space free from distraction, so please arrive ahead of, or on time.

Zoom link information will be emailed to registered participants via – please add us as a safe sender in your email platforms

Refund Policy

There are no refunds unless we cancel or postpone the event. You are welcome to transfer your spot to someone else of your choosing on your own accord.

Thank you for your understanding and support of a small business cultivating consciousness in the national capital region! 

Recent participants have remarked…

“Wow, I didn’t realize that how I felt attending in-person events would translate so well on zoom, but it does!”

“I fill my cup with connection a wee bit every time I get into good conversation with friends, but coming to an Authentic Relating Games Night is like getting a huge dose at once to keep me going for a long time!”

“I came feeling really tired and a bit hopeless about life right now and I can hardly believe a couple of hours has gone by and I feel so energized and alive right now!”

“My life and what I thought was possible for feeling connected to the people I care about has completely shifted since coming to Authentic Relating Games Nights.”

“This is now a regular part of my mental and emotional wellness!”

Being in amazing conversations and filling your connection cup to overflowing awaits you!

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